Future in the year 2050

People are thinking about the future. And they are asking: how will we fell when we open our eyes in the year 2050? I think life will be very different than, because the technology will be expending all the time. But nobody knows what will bring us the future. Although human’s predictions are very various. Some of them are optimistic but also are these pesimistic.
I think that the optimistic prdict of the future is that by the year 2050 scientist will have found a cure of many diseases like AIDS or cancer and people won’t be dieing any more. In my opinion also jobs will be easyer and better paid- maby we will be working only by computers at home? Who knows... I think that the environment won’t be so pollut like nowadays. Moreover we will be having solar- powered cars and environmental- friendly filtrs on every chimney. In addition our houses will be run by computer, that means that everything will turned on and off automatically. The other optimistic vision can be also that we will be flying on holidays to other galaxies. Furthermore maby we will be living there?
But on the other hand future will be also optimistic. Our lifstyle will change a lot. It seems to me that we will be having only virtual friends and meeting them whithout leaving home. Moreover the young people who will be born in the future won’t know what the first love is. Also the food will be only ready made which isn’t healthy. Probably the education will change a lot. Maby children in the future will be learning in special learning modules at home and they won’t be having real teachers. Instead them robots and virtual people will be teaching the young.
In conclusion whatever the future brings I believe that our’s lives will certainly be very different in the year 2050.

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