My crime story

My crime story began here, in my house. The night was dark and full of stars and I was alone in home because my parents wanted to visit Warsaw. I was sitting by the fire, when I noticed that someone was looking at me through the window. I turned off the light. But when I looked through the window again, I realised that the strange person disappeared. I was very frightened so I decided to call my best friend Asia who lives near my house. But there was no signal in the phone. I was going to stop panic, when I heard a knocking. Then I saw her. An old lady was standing outside and looking at me. I started to scream but she silenced me by waving her hand. I opened the window and asked her how could I help her. She said that she was from North Poland and she was looking for her grandson. His name was Mathew. I thought that I knew Mathew, he was living a few houses next to me. So I invited her in. She was very thankful. I told her that I would phone Mathew, maybe he was wainting for her and started to worry. But when I came back with phone the lady wasn?t there. I went outside to the garden and called her but there was no answer. I went to bed and the next day I decided to ask Mathew if his grandmother was there. But he only started to laugh. ?I haven?t got grandmother Jola, are you kidding me?? ? he said. So ... who was this old lady and where she is know? Or, perhaps, it was only a dream?

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Crime story

A thief was planning a bank robbery, and he planned it to finest detail. He was up to observe the staff and their daily routine for over several weeks. He had even gone to enother town to steal the car he would use, changing the numberplates and kee...