A disastrous bank robber YESTERDAY WAS A DISASTROUS DAY FOR BANK ROBBER CHRISTOPHER GUTHER. Guther put on a mask and walked into the Royal Bank of Scotland in Cheapside, London. He had an imitation pistol and he told the two cashier to put money it in his bag. The cashier had 4,200 and they put it in his bag, but they also did something else. They put two special capsules in the bag When Guther left the bank the capsules exploded and covered fim form head to foot in red paint. A taxi driver saw this strange man totally covered in red paint and rang the police. Guther then started panic and went into a public toilet to decide what to do next. When he come out three minutes later, a lot of armed police officers where in the road. They arrestes him and took the money back to the bank. It was a bad day for Guther. The judge gave him 10 years in prison.
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