

Radio was invented at the end of 19th century by Guglielmo Marconi (radio has had a range of 10 meters!). The first program on the radio was broadcasted on 26th of December 1906 in Holland. I think we do not appreciate this invention.
The entire world is fascinated by TV. However, we are listening to the radio in the morning, evening, in the car, when we eat... For example, we cannot write and watch TV at once, but when we listen to the radio – we surely can. When listening to the radio we must be imaginative. I think it is one of it’s advantages. On TV we see all things, which we hear about. On the radio we cannot see. Radio does not „steal our time”. If we watch TV, we must sit down and watch... If we are listening to the radio we can cook, write, clean up... The next advantage is that we have radio in our cars. Long journey is not tedious. Moreover, we have a lot of radio stations. For example Polish Radio 1st, 2nd, 3rd; RMF FM, Radio Zet, and a lot of regional and thematic stations. Even though, radio has a lot of disadvantages. People want to be shown pictures. We want to see the films, information, advertisements... Important is the work in radio. I think it is difficult. Broadcasting the news without picture relay is really difficult.
In summary, I think radio is a very important invention. Even though TV displaces radio I think radio will not die.

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