Proszę. Potrzebuje pomocy. Mam to na jutro a tego nie ogarniam. Dam NAJ i naj i NAJ. You need it to make sandwich. (4 litery) A piece of sth bigger usually cut off. (5 liter) Made of metal but for drinks only. (3 litery) Whatever you rip apart to

Proszę. Potrzebuje pomocy. Mam to na jutro a tego nie ogarniam. Dam NAJ i naj i NAJ. You need it to make sandwich. (4 litery) A piece of sth bigger usually cut off. (5 liter) Made of metal but for drinks only. (3 litery) Whatever you rip apart to get inside. (6 liter) With a sweet fruit mousselike substance. (3 litery) Water or juice is inside of it. (6 liter) It usually sweet checked. (3 liter) Made of glass or ceramic container for team. (3 litery) Inside there is some liquid for your cereals. (4 litery) Made of metal but for food only. (3 litery)

3. CAN 5. BOTTLE 10. CAN  ( chyba ) Ej, ogl dziwnie są te zdania, db wszystko przepisałeś/aś ? Brzmią dziwnie, ogl nie spójne... Nie wspominając o poziomie trudności jak na szkołę podstawową ;)

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