przetłumacz pytania na polski Does your friend have to do jobs at home ?? Do you have to do your homework in the afternoon ??? Does your mum have to cook dinner in the evening ???? Does your dad have to go to work by bus ????? PLIS NA JUTRO !!!!!!!

przetłumacz pytania na polski Does your friend have to do jobs at home ?? Do you have to do your homework in the afternoon ??? Does your mum have to cook dinner in the evening ???? Does your dad have to go to work by bus ????? PLIS NA JUTRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 . Czy twój przyjaciel pracuje w domu? ? 2. Czy ty robisz prace domową w popołudnie ?? 3. Czy mama gotuje w kuchni wieczorem?? 4. Czy twój tata jedzie do pracy autobusem?

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