Zadanie 9 1. ought not to have criticised 2. would mean moving to ( możliwe też: that job ment) 3. people would 4. would not walk along Zadanie 10 1. had better no to attempt to 2.does not mind being asked 3. you had not disappeared without 4. that he will let me take Zadanie 11 1. did not use to do 2. unless she apologises for 3. we were not sitting 4. which ment we had Zadanie 12 1. was the news broadcast 2. advised me not to pay 3. it had to be locked 4. not knowing how to drive Zadanie 13 1. the personnel were being evacuated 2. insists on me sampling 3. was in my fault that 4. heared Claudia practising Zadanie 14 1. are believed to being following 2. if you require any further 3. was forbbiden from eating 4. if he could replace Zadanie 15 1. we will have been on 2. nothing is known about 3. wanted him to study 4. me about Jenny always failing Zadanie 16 1. loves being listened 2.would have bought her son 3. were having th boiler installed 4. all of which her built Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :)
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