Duchy i ufo zawsze miały logiczne wyjaśnienie. (GHOSTS AND UFOs ALWAYS HAVE A LOGICAL EXPLANATION)

Many people believe that there are intelligent beings on other planets and we are not alone in the universe. During the last half of the century there have been created a lot of tales about newcomes from beyond the earth. They are usually described as small, green, bald and beardless creatures with big heads and eyes and only three fingers. They are flying in discus -shaped, gleaming aircraft. Many people maintain that they have seen a UFO.

How to explain these tales and people’s belief in UFO?
Some anthropologists of culture interpret UFO as a mythological phenomenon. It plays a role af angels and demons of the technical era. (Some sects seem to confirm this theory - their members reckon UFO as God’s or Satan’s messengers). According to this theory UFO may be an illusion suggested by a strong belief.

Raports about UFO may be simple mistakes or intentional descriformation. For example: a shepherd from Roswell, New Mexico, found some remains of a strange, flying machine on his field. It was recognized as a UFO and excited a big sensation in the USA. But 50 years later the truth came to light. The Flying Saucer from the field turned out to be a secret US spy device used during ”The cold war”, and the place apparently visited by UFO - a US nuclear base.

Some people paint at other proof of UFO existence - circular traces that every summer are found on fields in some countries. But it also can be logically explained. It may be made by aerial circulation.

The last reason for spreading stories about UFO may be (and often is) money. People want to attract tourists to their city or cash in on books and so on.
To sum up: there is no proof that UFO exists, but also no one can prove that something does not exist at all.

As far as ghosts are concerned.
Fewer people believe in ghosts and metaphysical phenomena than in UFO. This may be, because UFO is material in contrast to ghosts. We live in the world of nationalism and scepticism that despises ”superstitions”.

In my mind, such scepticism is unnatural. For thousands years people’s lives have been full of metaphysics. Nowadays life is poorer and that is why some people want to believe, for example, in UFO. Moreover, I think that there is a contradiction between disbelief in supernatural phenomena and religious belief.

But there are attempts at finding logical explanation. For example the theory of chords that seems to link all national and irrational elements of the world.

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Duchy i ufo zawsze miały logiczne wyjaśnienie. (ghosts and UFOs always have a logical explanation)

Many people believe that there are intelligent beings on other planets and we are not alone in the universe. During the last half of the century there have been created a lot of tales about newcomes from beyond the earth. They are usually described ...