Is vegetarianism right way of being?

A lot of people argue if vegetarianism is good for us or not. Many of them are for and the same number is against. In my opinion this way of being is great, because it’s not only a kind of a diet but something more sophisticated.

First of all vegetarianism bases on life respect. Vegetarians don’t eat anything that meant an animal had to die (this includes: meat, poultry, fish and other water creatures such as shrimps or crabs). They are against depriving creature of sunlight and the time it could spend enjoying the sun just to have a piece of meat. It’s very positive way of thinking. Lots of people reckon that animals are their friends, but is this really true? Would you eat your friend? I don’t think so. People are lying. Firstly they say: “I’m an animal lover, animals are my friends.”, but what happens naxt?- they tuck in a steak for a dinner and don’t metter, they had just eatten “their best friend”.
We can save live creatures by reducing amount of eating meat and give them a chance to spend thier live with happiness.

Besides saving animals, we can also help ourself, because vegetarian diet is really healthy. We all enjoy junk food like chocolate and chips and there is nothing wrong with eating them every now and then. But if we ate nothing but chocolate and chips we could soon become ill. People who eat meat may also suffer illnesses because meat contains types of fats which can lead to heart attacks or other problems in later life. Vegetarian’s diet contains a right amounts of protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. That is why vegetarians get much less cancers, heart disease, diabetes and many other diseases.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of those who claim that vegetarianism in the worst thing, that it stops correct growth and causes lacks of vitamins in our organism. They argue that as the prehistorical people have been eating meat they won’t give up this “tradition” only because of animal rights. Some of them think that animals were created just to be a meal. Such people don’t want to understand that animals deserve some repect and even the smallest creature wants to live as well as we do.

All in all, I really believe that vegetarianism is a great way of being and millions of people world-wide are happy, healthy, animal-lovin’ veggies and they can’t all be wrong!!!

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