Napisz recenzje filmu: "Avatar" w języku angielskim. Przynajmniej połowa kartki A4.

Napisz recenzje filmu: "Avatar" w języku angielskim. Przynajmniej połowa kartki A4.

This world is perfect in every detail. Navi indigenous people, animals, natural wonders, beliefs, and all this creates a whole that binds together and unity. Shows how we humans, even though we consider ourselves wise and far-reaching technology, so really we strive to destruction, and slowly destroying himself, destroying everything that will meet on their land, even our most expensive house - land. We can not live in harmony with nature, we can not form an unity, respect her - we do not love the world, we do not love each other on the other. James Cameron showed what kind of film that we really are hypocritical, how much we want fame and money to become someone, and yet this is not the most important thing ... You can enjoy every day, because everything around us is important, and we so really we do not appreciate, but still we want more and more. Where does it lead? Perhaps with the help of science, as is shown in Avatar, to colonize other planets (if developed on those are life), destroying everything in them is, by senseless consume excessive and unhealthy lifestyles. The film is thus a warning, but above all a great spectacle for the whole family. You can not get bored with him, because in the end we see something new, abstract. This innovation makes that we try to not even blink, not to miss even a second of this wonderful image. Nobody has not created a beautiful image of science-fiction and gave him so much important content of the human race based on stories about a completely different topic. So I think that Avatar is one of the best sci-fi movies, not only because of the mass effect, a brilliant director and a beautiful story, but also a film that briefly characterized the entire human activity since the dawn of history. People on earth should stop for a moment and notice how beautiful the earth is, and how much we mean to finally be able to take care of it.

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