Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu 10 z załącznika Z góry dziękuje za pomoc!

Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu 10 z załącznika Z góry dziękuje za pomoc!

That event I took part in was a meeting with a famous actor, Brad Pitt. He has played in many movies, such as World War Z, Seven or Fight Club. During the meeting participants were able to ask him any questions. Unfortunately, suddenly one of the microphones stopped working. Someone was sent to the nearest shop to quickly buy a new one. Luckily he was back in just a few minutes and the event could be continued. It was an amazing day. I asked Pitt many questions and even got an autograph. There were some problems, but nothing major. What do you guys think about Brad Pitt, do you like him? What movies he played in have you seen? Tell me about it please.

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Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z załącznika, z góry dziękuje.

Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z załącznika, z góry dziękuje....