
Madrid, the Spanish capital, is situated in the heart of the Iberian Peninsula and has a population of over three million. There are situated all of ministry’s and all government with Prim Minister of Spain and also it’s a home of the Spanish Royal Family. Economy and education of country are on very high standard.
But Madrid first of all is a centre of culture and traditions. There are many very interesting places. Among its highlights are the medieval centers dating back to the Habsburg Empire and very famous the Prado Museum. Also very well-known on the world is quite big and colorful park called Retiro. Other very important place in Madrid is Puerta del Sol, it’s a big square in the centre of city and there’s very nice fountain Cibeles. Madrid is also the largest hub in Spain for university life.
Spain is one of the most popular tourist’s destinations. Spaniaders in their free time loves to enjoy themselves. Madrid is also a lively metropolis with many pubs, cafes, discotheques and nightclubs open late into the night. Inhabitants like to watch traditional dance show “flamenco” and celebrate many festivals. Climate there is very warm and it passionate people to make it a grate place for holidays. Madrid is well worth a visit at any time of the year.

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