Opisz swój ostatni weekend w postaci kartki z pamiętnika (pamiętaj o użyciu czasu przeszłego) Długość pracy od 50 do 100 słów. PO ANGIELSKU

Opisz swój ostatni weekend w postaci kartki z pamiętnika (pamiętaj o użyciu czasu przeszłego) Długość pracy od 50 do 100 słów. PO ANGIELSKU

It was a really terrible weekend. I had to got up really early and cleaned up my dirty room. Then I went to a walk with my dog. When i Came back i had another duties. I helped my mother with cooking dinner. We were waiting for some guests. After that I had to do my homework but when night came i started up preparing my friend`s birthdays. I bought him nice T-shirt.The party was really dull(nudna). I came back home at 11 p.m And I fell asleep. The second day of my weekend was better because i could some rest. I went to my grand and i Spend there rest of my day.  

On Suterday I cleaned my room. I have to clean my room because there was mess. I wad doing a lot of things. I was vacuuming the floor in my room and in other rooms. I was helping my mother. I was making cakes. I was washing the dishs. I was in the shops. I bought a lot of things, for example egge, bread, butter, chocolate. I was very tired so I went to bed.   Myślę, że pomogłam :)

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