napisz opowieść kryminalną o napadzie na sklep , opisz sprawce

napisz opowieść kryminalną o napadzie na sklep , opisz sprawce

As I was walking down the road I saw a really tall thin man, he had black clothes on him and a black hat and scarf rapped around his face.Suddenly he walked into a sweet shop I stopped and stared, as I saw the man shouting and htting an old lady.I didnt know what was going on so I sprinted towards the shop.Afterwords I saw him again he was kicking the shopkeeper and screaming "Give me money or a kill you!".I was terrified I started to panic and I tried to ring the police but the theif heard me and while I was talking on the phone he took his gun out.:"What are you trying to do !"he shouted at me."Nothing" I answered quietly.He put the gun to my head."Dont even try ringing the police"he said loudly."Okey we wont" all of us said in a scared voice.After 10 minutes the police came.Someone outside the shop saw all this and rang the police.The theif was arrested and put in jail.I thank God he didint kill all of us.   Myśle że pomogłam :)

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