Napisz w 30-40 słowach o Spidermanie . Name : Spiderman City : New York Country : the US He can : climb, run fast, jump very high

Napisz w 30-40 słowach o Spidermanie . Name : Spiderman City : New York Country : the US He can : climb, run fast, jump very high

Spiderman comes from New York in the USA. He is a person and spider in one body, so his name is Spiderman. He has got a lot of skills like climbling the walls, fast running and very high jumping.

His name is Spiderman. He live in New York in the US. He is good athletic. He can climb and jump very high. He can fast run. Spiderman is a fictitious man but he is OK.   myślę, że pomogłam i liczę na naj:)♥

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