PROSZĘ O DŁUGIE ODPOWIEDZI NA TE PYTANIA !!!!! SZYBKO PILNE 1) would you like to work in an office like this? why?/ why not ? 2) what are the advantages and disadvantages of working in an office? BŁAGAM LICEUMMMMMMMMM BLAGAM O SZYBKA ODPOWIEDZ

PROSZĘ O DŁUGIE ODPOWIEDZI NA TE PYTANIA !!!!! SZYBKO PILNE 1) would you like to work in an office like this? why?/ why not ? 2) what are the advantages and disadvantages of working in an office? BŁAGAM LICEUMMMMMMMMM BLAGAM O SZYBKA ODPOWIEDZ

1.I dont wanna work in this office because there is a lot of job and its for me a little bit hard. 2. In office probably aren;t advantages beacuse its boring job for me and i think there is 0 advantages

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