Opisz dwa  zwierzątka (w moim przypadku kocica Mruczka i rybki) Muszą być wykorzystane zwroty 1 They are.... 2They have got 3They can..... 4They....(live,eat,etc.) dAM NAJ ZA NAJLEPSZY OPIS TYCH DWÓCH ZWIERZĄTEK

Opisz dwa  zwierzątka (w moim przypadku kocica Mruczka i rybki) Muszą być wykorzystane zwroty 1 They are.... 2They have got 3They can..... 4They....(live,eat,etc.) dAM NAJ ZA NAJLEPSZY OPIS TYCH DWÓCH ZWIERZĄTEK

I have a one cat and some fish.They are very clever.They have got deep colorful eyes.They can do some tricks, for example cat can do somersault.They are living in my room.They eat their own fodder. Mogłaś wybrać coś innego niż rybki, byłoby łatwiej.

I have one fish and one cat which is called Frisky.They are my beloved pets. They have a lot of toys. They may feel lonely because they do not spend as much time as they would like. They eat every time when I did.We love them and I can not imagine that one day they would fail.

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