Pokój jest miebieski w żółte kropki . Sówit ma biały z kropkami czerni . Lubie patrzeć na sufit . po jewej stronie znajduje sie moje piórko . Na przeciwko jest duze wodne łóżko . Zprawej strony znajduję sie wielka komoda i szafa . Między prawa stroną i lewą są dzwi i okna . Mój pokuj jest bezzcenny i piękny
When someone is standing in door of my bedroom he/she can see two windows in front with a clock and a lamp between them. On a left side of my room there is a bed and small orange sofa near it. On a right side there is wardrobe and some shelfs for lots of books. There is a desk too. It is made of wood. On the desk there are many students books, pens, pencils etc. Near the desk there is my blue bag, which I take with me to School every day. I love music so in front of sofa there is a piano. In my room there are many pictures and posters in the wall and carpet on a floor