All vegetables (except onions) Peel, cut into smaller pieces and pour about 1.5 liters of cold water. Bring to a boil.Add allspice, bay leaf, dried mushrooms, crushed cumin and pepper. Boil broth Sour soup with horseradish and garlic into the image Knorr bowl, add the cream, and then distribute a small amount of broth.slowly for about an hour, then remove all of the vegetables Add white sausage, pogotuj moment to be burned, and then remove it and set aside to cool. Onions and bacon cut into cubes, fry in a pan and add to the broth. Peel the potatoes and cook separately.Active connect with boiling soup, stirring constantly - would not occur lumps.. Season the soup to taste with pepper, marjoram and a pinch of salt (if necessary). Serve it with boiled potatoes and a portion of white sausages. licze na naj!!!!!!
potrzebne składniki : 2 torebki żurku w proszku , woda wrzątek , biała kiełbasa przygotowanie : proszek rozpuszczamy w wodzie i kroimy białą kiełbasę i dodajemy do zupy necessary ingredients: 2 bags sour soup powder, boiling water, white sausage Preparation: Dissolve the powder in water and cut white sausage and add to the soup zrobiłem najprościej liczę na naj ! ;)