opisz swój pokój proszę to na jutro po angielsku krótko i na temat przynajmniej 5 zdań

opisz swój pokój proszę to na jutro po angielsku krótko i na temat przynajmniej 5 zdań

My favorite room in the house is my room. Shaped like a rectangle. The walls are yellow. It contains two windows on which to hang the curtains white and green. On window sills and are positioned large and small plaster figurines. Opposite the windows are two closets, one with the other books of clothes, both are brown. Lessons do writing at his desk. Where there is a computer and printer, and is a little less space. In my room green supply flowers that stand next to the desk. Rest and sleep spend on the bed which I find in the cozy corner. On the walls does not lack for sure photos of people close to me and teaching aids. My room is a favorite room, because for me it is pretty nice and cozy. I really like to spend time, because there is everything I need

1) My room is red. (Mój pokój jest czerwony) 2) In my room is great TV. (W moim pokoju jest wielki telewizor) 3) On my desk are books. (Na moim biurku leżą książki) 4) I have a white wardrobe with clothes. (Mam białą szafę z ubraniami) 5) On the walls hang paintings. (Na ścianach wiszą obrazy) Myślę że pomogłem! :)

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