Jesteś na wakacjach. Napisz e-mail do kolegi z Irlandii, w którym: -poinformujesz, czym zajmowałaś się podczas wakacji -opowiesz o tym, jak spróbowałaś czegoś wymagającego odwagi -zaproponujesz spotkanie Długość e-maila 50-100 słów

Jesteś na wakacjach. Napisz e-mail do kolegi z Irlandii, w którym: -poinformujesz, czym zajmowałaś się podczas wakacji -opowiesz o tym, jak spróbowałaś czegoś wymagającego odwagi -zaproponujesz spotkanie Długość e-maila 50-100 słów

Hi Andy, I am on my holiday in Spain. It is absolutely gorgeous here. I have never seen such a light blue sea... For the first time in my life I tried diving. I was so scared, because I am terrified every time I need to be in the sea, but it was worth it. I was having fun. Other than that I am sightseeing with my family. I know that you moved here from Ireland so I was wondering if you would like to see me ? I know that I am near to your city... Let me know what do you think about it - if yes text me on my mobile : 839200128. Kisses,  Your Ania

Dear Tom : Now, I have a summer holiday. I am by the sea with my friends. We love swimming and we spent a lot of time to do it. I tried to diving and windsurfing with my trainer. Is was fringhtened, because i did it the first time. This is fantastic and now I am keen on it. I am going to do it in all free time and try a new interesting water sports. Can we meet each other? What do you think about this idea? I am waiting for your e-mail. I am sending greetings !  Your friend.

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