Proszę o pomoc (ok. 120 słów). Are you for or against same-sex marriage? Should it be legalized?

Proszę o pomoc (ok. 120 słów). Are you for or against same-sex marriage? Should it be legalized?

Due to various cultural and social circumstances, same-sex marriage is still considered an outlandish topic. However difficult the matter may be, it should not be marginalised and by all means analysed. As far as I am concerned, all people are created equal and in this particular regard, the laws should be also equalised. First of all, it would help all the people involved – certain legal actions and proceedings should be taken in order to allow same-sex couples to be happy in a fully legitimate marriage as they every so often need special permissions to be issued to, for example, visit a partner in hospital or to offer certain medical service. Secondly, legalizing same-sex marriage would bring tolerance and acceptance into the community dominated by stereotypes and defuse the tension of all the persons concerned. 

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