Proszę o sprawdzenie tego tekstu pod względem poprawności gramatycznej. Paris is the capital and largest urban area of ​​France. It is located in the center of Paris Basin, on the Seine. The city is the center of political, economic and cultural country

Proszę o sprawdzenie tego tekstu pod względem poprawności gramatycznej. Paris is the capital and largest urban area of ​​France. It is located in the center of Paris Basin, on the Seine. The city is the center of political, economic and cultural country. This city would like to visit and explore. In Paris, there are many monuments, works of art, museums and architecture from different eras. The symbol of Paris is undoubtedly the Eiffel Tower. The construction of the tower lasted 2 years - from 1887 to 1889. It is 324 meters in height which varies by 18 cm depending on the temperature. Under the influence of the wind tower sways 6-7 cm. The construction of the tower consists of 18 038 metal parts and the whole thing weighs about 10,000 tons. The Eiffel Tower is called the Iron Lady. Notre Dame de Paris is one of the most famous cathedrals in the world, inter alia through the novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame French writer Victor Hugo. The construction of this building lasted over 180 years (1163-1345). The courtyard in front of the cathedral since 2006, called the Square of Jan Paweł II. Located on the small bronze star - Point Zero - the place from which the measured distance to other cities in France. Paris is not only monuments, works of art and museums, is also a world center of fashion. In Paris there are many clothing stores and malls. One of the most luxurious malls Galeries Lafayette is composed of 10 floors.

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