Zadaj pytania o informację zawartą w podkreślonej części poniższych zdań. W zadaniu wymagana jest całkowita poprawność ortograficzna. 1. Sheila waters THE PLANTS every day. 2. They played the match at THE STADIUM. 3. Theresa can PLAY THE GUITAR. 4. St

Zadaj pytania o informację zawartą w podkreślonej części poniższych zdań. W zadaniu wymagana jest całkowita poprawność ortograficzna. 1. Sheila waters THE PLANTS every day. 2. They played the match at THE STADIUM. 3. Theresa can PLAY THE GUITAR. 4. Stave is going to have his swimming lesson on WEDNESDAY. 5. Martha and Ann visit their grandparents EVERY sunday.

1. What does Sheila water every day? 2. Where did they play the match? 3. Which instrument can Teresa play? 4.When is Stave going to have his swimming lesson? 5. How often do Martha and Ann visit their grandparents?

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